Tag Archives: walnut

Ravens 23, Steelers 20. I’m still elated.

7 Nov

Was daylight savings a godsend to anyone else?

Sleeping in an extra hour does a body good. I wish I had one of those every weekend.

I was sick on and off this whole weekend so meals mostly consisted of soup, hot cocoa, tea, etc…

It also consisted of a slack attack in the photo department.

I felt like I wasn’t getting my complete nutrition punch so I had an open faced egg sammie.

Nothing like a runny yolk to make you feel like you got some vital nutrients into your day.

Bit low in the grocer department, so it just consisted of onion, spinach, egg, bread, and a schmear of vegemite.

I’ve also been making a large pot of oats and portioning out a bit each morning. It’s so simple, all I have to do is heat is up, top it with almond milk and hunger is curbed until lunch time.

This also slashes my “getting ready” time and I get to sleep an extra 10 minutes or so. Totally worth it.

This particular mix has blueberries, bananas, walnut, and flax.

I also used a 3:1 ratio of oats to oat bran

Nothing keeps you full all morning like this.

I’m going to go bask in the glow of the most glorious defeat of the Steelers that I can remember.

And no amount of oatmeal is going to top that. Ever.



Banana Walnut Donuts with Cream Cheese Frosting

4 Oct

Guess what’s working today??

Photo time! And recipe time!

With some inspiration from Angela

Banana Walnut Donuts with Cream Cheese Frosting (all Vegan!)

*makes about 6 regular sized and 4 minis

  • 1 banana, mashed (the riper the better)
  • 1 T chia
  • 1/2 T walnut oil
  • 1/4 c Sucanat
  • 3 T Maple or Agave (I used maple agave –> over-achiever)
  • 3/4 c spelt flour
  • 1/2 t baking powder
  • 1/4 t baking soda
  • 1/4 c walnuts
  1. Mix 1 T of water with 1 T of chia and let sit for a few minutes
  2. Add mashed banana
  3. Add remainder of ingredients (except walnuts)
  4. Now add those walnuts!
  5. Bake at 350 for 10-12 minutes

I love walnuts and really think they make the recipe. But feel free to dull them down.

Cream Cheese Frosting

  • 1/2 c Tofutti “cream cheese”
  • 2 t sugar
  • 2 t almond milk
  1. Let the Tofutti soften a bit
  2. Add sugar and stir
  3. Add almond milk whilst stirring
  4. Paint your donuts with the frosting or Tupperware it and frost right before consumption
My housemate is raving about these and I am in agreement. They’re pretty wholesome too so I don’t feel guilt about having a donut after work.
Homer Simpson-ing it, errrry day.

Spiced Apple Walnut Scones

7 Feb

Despite my lack of circulation in frigid temperatures, I do love the Colorado snow and would prefer it to East Coast rain and slush any day.

Honestly, it melts faster out here and the dryness makes extreme temps more tolerable.

(*I apologize for the horrendous view from my apartment. I’m not the biggest fan either.)

I love how it can be 65 one day and -20 the next. Though I wouldn’t mind seeing that Denver sunshine sometime soon.

300 days of sunshine, where are you?

So…what do I do on snow days?


That’s a lie… I bake on any given day.

I just watched one of my favorite movies “Stranger Than Fiction”

Such a cute movie, great cast (big Dustin Hoffman fan). I’d highly recommend it.

I thought one of Maggie Gyllenhall’s line was rather appropriate:

“If I was going to make the world a better place I would do it with cookies”

Well, today, I’m going to make the world a better place through scones.

I definitely bake every weekend so I always have a grab and go breakfast ready. And I probably use that grab n go breakfast 5 days of the week.

If you know my obsessions, you know I love scones. LOVE them.

Presenting: Spiced Apple Walnut Scones

These are going to disappear fast.

Spiced Apple Walnut Scones

(makes 9-10)

* These are more scuffin-y than scone-y.

1 cup whole wheat+ 1/2 cups coconut   (feel free to just use all w.w. though)

1/2 tsp baking powder

3/4 tsp baking soda

pinch kosher salt

1/4 cup sucanat (or sweetener of choice)

1 tsp pure vanilla extract (I just ran out of this so I had to omit it! But vanilla makes the world go round ;))

1 T cinnamon

½ tsp nutmeg

1/4 cup oil, (I used coconut)

1/4 cup pure maple syrup

1/4 cup apple sauce

2 T greek yogurt

1/2 c walnuts

1 chopped Granny Smith apple

2 T Water

I baked it at 400* for 15-18 minutes

For non-mile-highers you will want to omit the water, add a ½ tsp of baking powder and bake it at 375* instead


I paired it with some instant espresso served in one my favorite mugs.

Mustache Mug.

If you can watch someone drink out of this mug without cracking a smile I will make you a batch of Spiced Apple Walnut Scones


So the results are in for the Tofu Frosting.

The carob version was consumed the fastest (very fast, that thing is gooood) maple cinnamon coming in second.

And the green monster version wasn’t touched all too much. Though pretty, I don’t think that version was as much of a success.


And a Happy Steelers Loss to you too!

