Tag Archives: Whit’s


18 Oct


Miscellaneous assignments….check


Study for massive midterm…….mmwell I’ll just do that in class tomorrow.

Right when I got back home from Justin’s I flitted off to see the CEO of REI Sally Jewell speak at the uni.

It was a really good talk, mostly focusing on sustainable packaging. The part I liked was that Sally recognized the economic side and found ways to reduce waste while reducing labor costs and material costs. Win-win-win.

Because nothing will be accepted unless it helps your pocket and your watch and then helps the environment.

I actually got to talk to Sally very briefly at the end!

I failed to mention I was functioning on little sleep and had to chew lots of gum and drive with the cold air blowing in my face to stay awake the majority of the day.

Not so fun coming home and realizing there’s an elephant sized amount of work to be done.

I was craving almond milk but didn’t want to sweeten it with carob, etc.. (read: sugar headache)

So I topped it with TJ’s sugar, chocolate, and coffee bean.In a wine glass but so be it.

One picture? Mid-terms are seriously destroying me.

Here’s some picks of these salted caramels I sampled at the Pearl St Market this weekend. (I actually chatted up a bunch of very friendly vendors and found some awesome organizations and products I cant wait to post about!)

I got to talking with the couple running the booth and it turns out their daughter started making them in her kitchen and the demand has been booming ever since.

And she’s still in college. You go girl!

I can see why there’s such a demand. Usually salted caramel flavored anything never actually has enough salt in it (or strong enough salt) to enhance the accompanying sweet flavors.

And if you know me you know I have a soft spot obsession for the sweet’n’salty

This was salty in the best way possible!

These were melt in your mouth delicious.

If you’re in the Denver or Chattanooga area hit Whit’s Caramels up!

