Tag Archives: whole foods cooking class

Raw Foods Class Recap

20 Oct

Ok what a lot of you have been waiting for. My recap of the raw foods class.

This is the second “class” I’ve taken at Whole Foods (you can see the first here)

I say “class” because it’s more of a demonstration. This was freakin awesome though because  the teacher, Katie, was really interactive with the large crowd of people. I learned a whole lot from that class. And coming form a foodie that really says something.

Katie was very knowledgable about raw foods, nutrients, cooking etc… probably because she is a health and wellness coach. Plus I really liked her apron. You know someone’s a serious cook if they’re rockin’ a sweet apron.

So here’s what the set up looked like when I walked in: 

I was already salivating by the time I saw the Vitamix and the food hadn’t even come out yet. You hear me Santa and Hannukah Harry? 

It was mexican themed so on the menu : Fajitas with Taco “meat”, sour “cream”, and nacho “cheese” sauce. Plus some chocolate chile truffles! mmm

The Fajita mix was basically made by marinating the thinly sliced veggies

The taco “meat” (pictured in the bottom right – was hard to get a good picture of that puppy) was made from ground walnuts! I was way excited about that.

I love walnuts and this tasted incredible. I want to start using this instead of meatless crumbles from now on!

The sour “cream” and nacho “cheese” sauce are ones that the blogosphere should be very familiar with. The base was soaked cashews and the sour cream had lemon and apple cider vinegar (among a few other things) added to it, while the “cheese” had nooch.(for those not in the blogosphere know-how-Nutriotional Yeast)

One thing this class turned me onto was apple cider vinegar. I had heard things about it here and there but didn’t realize how fantastic it was for your digestive system. Being the curious vegetarian that I am, I eat a lot of weird food.

Hullo Apple Cider Vinegar!

On the plate: The Works. All of the above plus some chopped tomatoes wrapped in a collard leaf.

And as a burrito should be, it was messy! I’ll have to make note to cut the collard leaves large so I can wrap em Chipotle style when I make them.

Let’s not forget dessert (which was consumed before the main actually)

Chocolate Chile Truffles!

Ok these I will most definitely be making in the future. I love a good kick and this is one of the few ways I will eat a good amount of chocolate.

I was so happy they made this recipe because I’m in the process of developing a mole sauce recipe and had no clue how much cayenne to use.

These truffles only had a teaspoon in the whole batch and that was enough to satisfy my spicy tooth.

Main ingredients were walnuts, dates, honey, and cacao powder on the inside and out.
If you guys beg me, I will get to making all of this from my house asap if your just dying to get the recipes.
Otherwise I’ll probably just make them at my leisure.
This will not be my last Raw Foods Class! I really enjoyed this one plus I’m dying to know what I can do with my dehydrator besides the twenty different kale chip variations I have spinning in my head at the moment.
What’s your take on raw foods. For? Against? In between?
I’m for, but in moderation. I don’t believe that a 100% raw diet is good for you based on some articles I have read but I do think incorporating it largely into your diet can do wonders.