Pride. Glory. Honor.

16 Apr

Day one of rowing tryouts have officially completed.

We started with 2k erg tests.

I have never done 2k’s before in my life. Usually I just do 500m intervals, so I was a bit worried I would burn out and lose steam.

It went better than expected, I would up with a time of 8:38 with all of my splits dancing around 2:08, 2:09, and 2:10.

I have so much more appreciation for those who cox. There is something about having someone yelling in your ear to push harder, faster, maintain rhythm and form that makes you give your all.

I was definitely an absorbent sponge today, ready to learn everything….well, wince I know nothing.

I kept likening it to when my parents taught me how to play golf (my Mom is a bit of a champion at the sport and plays competitively) I took everything they said like it was the most important rule.

We had some practice in “the tank” aka an immobilized boat and worked on technique for ergs.

My wavering on the “to row or not to row” issue is starting to turn into a solidified “yes”

Rowing training is different than other sport trainings.

It reminds me more of hockey season back in the States. When we would have grueling 2-a-day practices and work our butts off day in and day out.

“Preseason” as it was called.

We were so much more bonded and that much better because we went through hell and back together.

Pride. Glory. Honor.

Plus it is so rewarding pushing your body to its limits.

Oh, and then there’s the fact that I’d be getting fit, but able to eat a lot more of what I want 😉

Another long day ahead of me tomorrow. All day on the water. No sleep till Brooklyn….or Rowing Day 😉


Do you like pushing your body to its limits? Seeing what your capable of?

Doing what you never thought you were capable of?

2 Responses to “Pride. Glory. Honor.”

  1. Hannah April 16, 2011 at 10:23 pm #

    Oh gosh, I’ve never pushed my body to its limits physically. I’m absolutely terrible at making myself keep going when it gets uncomfortable! I need some of your drive…

  2. katshealthcorner April 17, 2011 at 3:19 pm #

    I don’t think I have ever pushed myself THAT hard. I do like to challenge myself, but never over my limits. 🙂

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