Peanut Butter Quinoa Cookies (gluten, dairy, and egg free)

4 May

I was initially inspired by this recipe, but after a few tweaks whilst making them and the consistency and flavor just wasn’t right.

Plus I thought they’d be excellent in the dehydrator. I made two batches one for the dehydrator one for the oven on a low heat.

I love how they turned out in the dehydrator. The perfect texture of crispy on the outside and chewy in the inside, and the almond flavor came through a bit more. I’m still not 100% satisfied with the recipe and I want to try a cinnamon raisin version too. But they’re definitely good enough to share and have one amazing ingredient list.

Peanut Butter Quinoa Cookies (egg, dairy, and gluten free)

  • 2 c cooked quinoa
  • ½ c almond butter (or other nut butter)
  • ¼ raw honey
  • ½ c oat flour (or other flour)
  • ½ c oats
  • ¼ c cacao nibs or carob chips
  • ¼ c ground flax
  1. Mix the cooked quinoa, almond butter and honey in a bowl
  2. Mix in the oats, flour, and flax
  3. Fold in the cacao nibs or carob chips
  4. Oven option: Bake at 250 F for 45 minutes or until desired texture is reached
  5. Dehydrator option: Cook on 115 for 8 hours

These are so much hardier than a regular cookie and the nuttiness of the quinoa is perfectly complimented by the nut butter. I strongly recommend the dehydrator version but if you don’t have one just put your oven on the lowest temperature it goes. (mine happened to be 250)



4 Responses to “Peanut Butter Quinoa Cookies (gluten, dairy, and egg free)”

  1. Hannah May 4, 2012 at 9:43 pm #

    This is everything my heart desires. Baking with cooked quinoa; love it!

  2. Kari @ bite-sized thoughts May 5, 2012 at 2:31 am #

    These look amazing! Beautifully delicious 🙂

  3. KatsHealthCorner May 16, 2012 at 10:38 am #

    Nom nom nom. Your recipes always leave me full of sunshine inside. 🙂


  1. Summer (Recipe) Lovin’ « almostveggirlie - May 29, 2012

    […] Adapted from Insatiably Healthy […]

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