Tag Archives: arugala

Tiger Tiger Woods y’all.

28 Apr

Fuel for my morning out on the driving range:

Toastilla with smashed avocado, red onion, and arugula.

I love the gluten free tortillas by Alvarado Street Baking because they get rice and crispy.

The crispiness makes it easier to cut, but eating it is still a tad messy.

I’ve started to dabble in golf after some success at my beginner stages. The whole family plays so I might as well join the club, right?

This was my first time out on a public course alone and I was determined not to look like a complete fool. And I was praying I wouldn’t forget what I learned and get some good hits off of the tee.

Well my dignity was long gone before I even took a swing. In all my excitement to get my golf balls I realized once I heard them clattering out of the vending machine

oh shit

and out they flew. I forgot to place the bucket there to catch them. So I gathered the 50 or so golf balls scattered about the range.

Newbie, right here.

Luckily I regained a little dignity in my golf game. Tiger Tiger Woods y’all.

How to celebrate?  A victory lap around the Wholf

I’ve been spotting a slew a new products in the grocery stores (tis the season right?)

But was pleasantly surprised when I saw this blast from the past.

Single serve, whole bag, and even chia oil from the same brand I used to by when I lived in Australia.

I always love watching my local companies make it on a national level, but seeing this little guy from Victoria make it into my Whole Foods in Denver makes me super proud of them.

P.S. Australia produces top notch chia so get out there and buy some!

Also new items from Boulder-based GoodBelly

This one is a lot lower in the sugar and packs a little protein/fiber punch. I’m foreseeing this as pre-workout fuel in the early mornings.

Though I definitely misread the label in the store and thought it said 5g of protein and only 2g of sugar. That would have been swell, but it’s actually 5g sugar 2g protein.

Oh well, I’ll still drink it.

It also comes in lemon ginger. But who can resist chamomile. Even the word soothes me.

I’ve been in a create my own recipe type of mood lately. A lot of kitchen fails have followed. But from failure comes success! I’m pretty excited about this one healthy (and I do mean healthy) cookie recipe that I’m tweaking. I think its going to set nicely in the dehydrator.

Tell me something embarrassing that happened to you in public. Did you laugh it off?



Brown Baggin’ it

31 Jan

I told you I was going to put that dressing on everything.

I usually pack lunches for both school and work. It’s really rather simple the key is just planning ahead.

Coz I cannot be bothered to do anything slightly comprehensive in the early morning, unless its routine.

Lunches are usually sandwiches/quesadillas, quinoa mixtures of some sort, and muesli/oatmeal. All of these travel really well and have a good ratio of nutrients.

The winning combination:

Arugula/spinach mix, Rainbow Quinoa (this is just regular quinoa mixed with black and red quinoa) Maple Cider Dressing, Nooch, raw Mushrooms, and Onion

I decided it was missing something and threw a bit of fresh feta on top. But for the record this quinoa/salad/dressing combo can remained untouched.

The quinoa made this salad “stick to my bones” as the saying goes. Which really is a rather odd saying.

The best part was it got to marinate in the fridge overnight before I took it in for lunch.

