Tag Archives: egg

The Return of the Power Breakfast

22 Nov

Today, I have my last final and last assignments due until Thanksgiving but more importantly winter break!

I love the DU quarter system. Even though it is very demanding and fast paced….it’s over fast. Now I have a solid six weeks of no tests, no papers, just pure relaxation.

I am also finished with management classes for good! (Please note I am not a management major, this is why it is so perplexing that I have to take so many management classes!)

I’m also finished with my sustainability minor.

Only three subjects left until the old cap & gown.

Power breakfasts have been a key this week.

Mushrooms, tomatoes, vegemite, and a sunny side up egg with S&P

There is something about the combination of Vegemite and Eggs that is just so tasty

I’m heading back to Baltimore tonight for Thanksgiving.

As far as plane food goes…I’ve done such a good job of getting rid of my perishables before I departed for the week, that there’s nothing left to take on board. Guess I’ll have to make a pit stop at the Whole Foods salad bar on the way to the airport.

It’s going to be a jam packed week full of lots of stuff. But I’m mostly excited to see my family, even though it feels like almost yesterday that I was back in Bmore.

Gosh, the quarter system really does go by fast.



An Ode to Sunflower Market

28 Jan

Oh my good golly gosh was our refrigerator a disaster site this week.


*This was a particularly bad day as all four of us went grocery shopping on the same day.

You know that sesame street game: One of these things is not like the other?

Lets Play!

Mile High Tofu. Yes that is all tofu with some tempeh on top, just to keep ya guessingI absolutely love how one of my flatmates, Natasha, and I are so in sync.

We get doubles of EVERYTHING. I don’t think we realized the hilarity of this situation till we stocked the fridge.

Note: the FOUR, yes FOUR packages of Tofurkey, guiltypleasure Laughing Cow Cheese, and two identical containers of Sunflower Market’s fresh Chipotle Salsa.

I was always a Whole Foods, Trader Joes and farmers market enthusiast and loyalist.

But I have found a new love, and am engulfed in my infatuation.

Sunflower Market!

Headquartered in Boulder, CO Sunflower Market sells many organic, local, the-whole-nine-yards, products. And everything is so inexpensive.


What really sold me is their house brand bread. So much variety to choose from, all whole and natural ingredients and a short ingredient list at that.

Apple Cinnamon Streusal, Hawaiian, Cinnamon Raisin Walnut?

I settled on Jalapeno Cheddar.

It. Rocked. My. World.

So flavorful, so fluffy. nom nom nom good on its own or on a toastie.

This is one of my favorite food photos to date. Look at the little spheres of yolk! (Is this odd how excited I am about a molecule?)

Glorious. The bread fluffed up even more on the stove top
F.Y.I: That is not mold, it is a fresh jalapeno.

Ay. yi. yi.
I think yolk breaking is my favorite part of egg-in-a-hole.That and this little guy!

Hmm….the cult favorites. The low prices….

…come to think of it Sunflower Market is Colorado’s answer to Trader Joes.

Have a great weekend!

