Tag Archives: red onion

Tiger Tiger Woods y’all.

28 Apr

Fuel for my morning out on the driving range:

Toastilla with smashed avocado, red onion, and arugula.

I love the gluten free tortillas by Alvarado Street Baking because they get rice and crispy.

The crispiness makes it easier to cut, but eating it is still a tad messy.

I’ve started to dabble in golf after some success at my beginner stages. The whole family plays so I might as well join the club, right?

This was my first time out on a public course alone and I was determined not to look like a complete fool. And I was praying I wouldn’t forget what I learned and get some good hits off of the tee.

Well my dignity was long gone before I even took a swing. In all my excitement to get my golf balls I realized once I heard them clattering out of the vending machine

oh shit

and out they flew. I forgot to place the bucket there to catch them. So I gathered the 50 or so golf balls scattered about the range.

Newbie, right here.

Luckily I regained a little dignity in my golf game. Tiger Tiger Woods y’all.

How to celebrate?  A victory lap around the Wholf

I’ve been spotting a slew a new products in the grocery stores (tis the season right?)

But was pleasantly surprised when I saw this blast from the past.

Single serve, whole bag, and even chia oil from the same brand I used to by when I lived in Australia.

I always love watching my local companies make it on a national level, but seeing this little guy from Victoria make it into my Whole Foods in Denver makes me super proud of them.

P.S. Australia produces top notch chia so get out there and buy some!

Also new items from Boulder-based GoodBelly

This one is a lot lower in the sugar and packs a little protein/fiber punch. I’m foreseeing this as pre-workout fuel in the early mornings.

Though I definitely misread the label in the store and thought it said 5g of protein and only 2g of sugar. That would have been swell, but it’s actually 5g sugar 2g protein.

Oh well, I’ll still drink it.

It also comes in lemon ginger. But who can resist chamomile. Even the word soothes me.

I’ve been in a create my own recipe type of mood lately. A lot of kitchen fails have followed. But from failure comes success! I’m pretty excited about this one healthy (and I do mean healthy) cookie recipe that I’m tweaking. I think its going to set nicely in the dehydrator.

Tell me something embarrassing that happened to you in public. Did you laugh it off?



Peanut Butter Smuggler

10 Mar

This post has to be short and sweet. I’m leaving tomorrow, but I guess as you are reading this it will be tonight!!!

Note to self: Never take finals and pack for leaving the country at the same time.

There are not enough hours in the day!

That’s why I’ve been a bit of a slack on all of the other blogs, and on responding to comments.

Also note to self: Mexican Food is an excellent way to empty your fridge.

In the mix

  • Toasted Rosemary Tortilla Chips
  • Red Onion
  • Tomato
  • Mixture of faux meat crumbles, onion, tomato, sriracha and taco seasoning
  • Some artichokes just for kicks
  • Rice Cheese
  • Greek Yogurt (Damn…so close to being vegan.)

To make the tortilla chips I just sliced up some tortillas and Flatouts and sprayed em with coconut oil then sprinkled S&P and copious amounts of rosemary on top.

I blame my rosemary obsession on Wisecrackers. They are these rosemary crackers I used to get at trader joes and they are delicious!

So as you all may be wondering (but probably aren’t)

What am I smuggling to the Southern Hemisphere? (sorry no pics, it’s all packed!)

For me:

  • Amazing Grass Superfood Bars
  • A few sachets of Justins Chocolate Hazelnut Butter
  • Hot Coffee flavored ginger chews

For my friends:

  • Peanut butter cups, lots and lots of peanut butter cups
  • Pretzel M&Ms
  • TJ’s peanut butter filled pretzels?
  • Abbazabbas (Never had these but I got a specific request)
  • Bullseyes (A candy from Baltimore basically its frosting filling inside a caramel)
  • Take 5’s (These are an absolute favorite of mine)
  • Tons of Ravens gear. (C’mon international support!)
  • Some Natty ‘Boh (Local Baltimore brew) paraphernalia
  • Marshmallows
  • Graham Crackers (To show them the magic of s’mores!)
  • A few Chocolove Bars for some special people

Shh don’t tell customs! 😉

I swear, half of one of my bags is dedicated to American candy/gifts, honest.

Think I’m representing the apparent peanut butter obsessed Americans well? 😉

Hopefully I will have a few spare hours to take photos/blog about plane food and traveling etc…

I do have another exam tomorrow, but after that my brain will be on vacation.

Read: I am not responsible for the words that some out of my mouth

In other news I got this odd/random craving for P.B. crisps.

(Source: Jason Leibig)

I had to google what they were called though. It was a very complicated craving

I remember inhaling en entire bag of these.

Alas, they’re discontinued…what gives?

Aaand I’m out of nut butter.

Aaaand I have to be a good gift giver and abstain from opening the package of Reese’s cups I got for my Aussie friends

And…I’m tired. Goodnight!

What retro candy do you miss?

PB Crisps!!!

Also what your favorite/most used spice?

Easy: Rosemary or Cumin



8 Mar

I’m functioning on little sleep and cannot focus on tomorrows exam. So naturally blogging makes me feel like I’m doing something productive!

This week I have to use up all the perishables in my kitchen.

I’ve done a pretty good job and stopped buying lot of stuff a while back.

The only thing I probably have way to many of is wraps! I completely forgot I froze a bunch of flatbreads.

My dad used to call me Casey-dilla and clearly I have not been doing the nickname justice.

I haven’t been making sandwiches/wraps as much as I usually do, but now I’m forced to co back to my Caseydilla ways

Mango, BBQ sauce, onion, faux chik’n

First I sautéed the onions and chick’n.

Once they were done I spread BBQ sauce on a tortilla and topped with the rest of the ingredients.

Then smothered it in more BBQ sauce.

I told you…I have a lot of tortillas/flatbreads:

Crumbled-up Salmon Burger, Spinach, Onion, Dill, Feta, Rice Cheese

The flatbread wraps actually work better than regular tortillas because of their rectangular shape.

I love to overstuff my Casey-dillas and this allowed for minimum spillage. Plus the fluffy texture helped stuff it to maximum capacity! WINNING

Alright, is anyone else as obsessed with following Charlie Sheen on twitter as I am.

I don’t really follow celebs on Twitter, but his tweets never fail to make me laugh my butt of each time.

Someone give this kid his own reality show so I can continue procrastinating.


In other winning news…


Nachos: a great way to use up leftovers.

Countertop lighting:

The elements:

  • Mixture of faux meat crumbles, onion, tomato, sriracha, and taco seasoning
  • Diced tomato & red onion
  • Greek Yogurt
  • Feta
  • Spinach and Mushroom saute

Birds eye:I just sliced up a tortilla, topped it with some coconut oil, S&P.

Toasted them in the oven for Instant Tortilla Chips
Very satisfying. Expect to see this again soon as I use up the rest of my tortillas.

Some other combos in store for Caseydilla creations, just to  get your juices flowing. (Note: this is only using what I have left to use up in my fridge. Hence the repetitiveness)

  • Tomato, mushrooms, spinach, rice cheese, artichokes
  • Tempeh, relish, rice cheese

Are you good about using up everything in your fridge before you move/travel?

I wont lie…usually that a no for me 😉
